Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Of nights, solitude, and warmth

My roommate is the type of woman who exudes warmth. It's in her huge, perfect, brown eyes. There's a certain spark...you know the type of people I mean. So when she comes home at night, I breath easier having a little glow moving about, inhabiting the house.

Community versus solitude has been on my mind of late. Both are necessary, the question is how to balance, how to synthesize, how to seek out, when to branch out alone, how to build. Anyone have insight on this? Or more questions?

And on a completely unrelated note...

Tonight in This Town

This night goes in circles
(moon about town,
drops into puddles,
globes – the tail-lights).
The thing about circles
is they elude you
(‘round ferment of graveyards
hugging the church,
rolls the river)
– like the drop
sliding away from you
(stones slipping from shore),
like confusion
(tracks through mud),
it brings you back
(bells swinging in towers)
to yourself.


amber said...

I love the poem, V.

And I totally enjoyed Possession as a "guilty pleasure"; it works on so many different levels. I just started Virgin in the Garden, which, I believe, was written before Possession.

amanda + daniel said...

i also love this poem.
& relate to your musings about solitude & community. these have been much on my mind lately, especially as daniel & i have been processing the balance of living with family again.
maybe someone will respond to your call & give us the answers...